Rock serves for entertainment, for revolution, and for social unity. Its most common use, for entertainment, is just as splendid in private as in public; for revolution due to its rebellious nature and free following mantra; social unity because of its mass appeal. Expert and gifted men can execute the production and performance of this art, but the general public merely observes and reveres rock.
Rock perfects people; they are perfected by experiencing rock music. One great rock song or one great rock show can change the world. However, world changing rock is like the craft of a blacksmith. It must go through the hot, refining fire of the individual. If the individual is not moved by the music, he will cast it aside as a blacksmith disregards unalterable iron.
Gangster types don't comprehend rock, freedom-fighter types praise rock, government types fear rock. The gangster condemns rock because he does not understand the art and purpose to which it is intended. A gangster type is unrefined and rock is most refined. The two substances cannot and will not mix. The freedom fighters exalt rock because it is their outlet of expression and voice to the world. The government fears rock because it proclaims truth to a people unknowingly blinded by those that they elected to protect them.
To all those who rock, we salute you. They who rock are courageous, guitar-wielding heralds, heroically proclaiming change and reform. They are on the front lines, liberating the metaphorically captive with their sweet rock. They rock to lift the spirits of the down trodden, the hopeless, and encourage those with a dream. Silicis est verum, lux lucis, via*
Milk is good for the skeleton, exercise for the heart, carrots for the eyes, and rock for the soul. For if a man is troubled, let him listen to Pink Floyd and forget his heartache for a season. If a man is tired, let him listen to AC/DC for that will invigorate him.
For every deficiency of the soul has a rock song to remedy.
*Latin: Rock is the truth, the light, and the way.
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